Ayurveda Medicines for Piles

Piles are usually present with itching, rectal pain, and rectal bleeding. Other symptoms include mucous discharge or fecal incontinence. In most cases, symptoms will resolve within a few days. External hemorrhoids are painful, while internal hemorrhoids usually are not unless they become thrombosed or necrotic. The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood covering the stool, a condition known as hematochezia, on toilet paper, or in the toilet bowl. They may protrude through the anus. Symptoms of external hemorrhoids include painful swelling or lump around the anus.

For Anal Fissure and Fistula, we are not manufacturing medicines due to nonavailability of herbs- original quality

What is piles?

Piles is not an uncommon disease and can be quite discomforting for people dealing with it. Common symptoms of piles are painful and itchy swelling, as well as lumps near the anus, painful bowel movement, itching around the anus, and more. Piles can occur due to many problems, for instance, chronic constipation, lifting heavy weights, and chronic diarrhoea, and can also happen due to strain while passing stool. Piles are swollen collections of tissues which occur in the anal area. Piles can be both internal and external.

How can Ayurveda treat piles?

According to Ayurveda, one needs to have a balanced dosha to overcome piles or hemorrhoids. There are three doshas in the human body. They are pitta, kapha, and vata and it is essential to maintain harmony in between all these doshas. It is essential to know that you have piles in order to start with ayurvedic treatment for piles.

How can VAN Ltd’s ayurvedic products help to cure piles?

VAN Ltd has ayurvedic medicine for piles for both internal and external piles. For internal piles, make use of Haemolax, Draksharishta, Mahachandrakalarasa, and L-Mitra. For external piles, you can make use of Haemolax, Draksharishta, Mahachandrakalarasa, Aciguard, and L-Mitra for a minimum period of 3 months for better results. If you would like to consult with our specialist doctor then click here.

Internal piles

  • Haemolax: Two tablets at a time twice a day with water ( evening & night)

  • Draksharishta: 4 teaspoons with an equal quantity of water twice a day.

  • Mahachandrakalarasa (20 gms): One tablet thrice a day with water

  • L-Mitra: Two tablets at a time at bedtime with water

External piles

  • Haemolax: Two tablets at a time twice a day with water ( evening & night)

  • Draksharishta: 4 teaspoons with an equal quantity of water twice a day.

  • Mahachandrakalarasa (20 gms): One tablet thrice a day with water.

  • Aciguard: Two tablets at bedtime with water.

  • L-Mitra: Two tablets at a time in the evening time with water.