Ayurveda Medicines for Joints Health Care

What is joint pain?

Joint pain refers to pain and discomfort in the joints of the body. The main reasons why joint pains occur are given below.

  • Arthritis - It is the main reason for joint pain and occurs due to obesity and hormonal changes. It occurs more in women and less in men. It is of two types, which are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It mainly occurs in knees, hands, hips, and wrists.

  • The other causes of joint pain are gout, lupus, tendonitis, bone infection, chondromalacia, bursitis, and many other infectious diseases.

How does Ayurveda Cure joint pain?

According to Ayurveda, joints, and bones are known to be Vata dosha of our body, which means that they have a particular relation with Vata. Joints are profoundly affected by the consistency of asthi dhatu (bone tissue). Still, in Ayurveda, the joints also have an important link to the majja dhatu (nervous tissue) and the nervous system. It is said that powerful Agni and digestion are important to our health and longevity of the joints. Any imbalance and disease can be caused due to Agni and poor digestion. Ayurveda provides a number of medicinal treatments for joint pain. The medicines used have anti-inflammatory properties without any side effects of the prescribed medicines.

Recommended Combination by VAN for Joints Health Care (100% No Side Effects)

Intense Joints Pains

Bruhadhwathachintamani Tablets (15 Tabs): Useful in Hypothyroidism.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day at your convenience.

Dasamoolarishta: A tonic useful in sterility, Cures fever, dropsy, cough, anaemia, jaundice and prameha, Helps to release urine freely.
Dosage: To be taken with equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

Kanchanar Guggul: Acts on Thyroid, Kushta, Fistula in ano & filariasis.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day.

Mahayogarajaguggul: Very useful for rheumatism. Removes swelling and pains in the joints.
Dosage: One pill twice (or) thrice a day with decoction of rasna, sounth and guduchi (or) as directed by the physician.

Narayana Taila: Very useful in nervous disorders. Specially in paralysis, wryneck, pains in cheeks, waist, joints etc.
Dosage: Can be used for massage over the body.

Pindataila: Most effective oil for application over the body to remove vatarakta and to cure leprosy, other skin diseases and cracks in the soles of the feet.
Dosage: To be applied externally to the parts affected.

Pravalapanchamruta Bhasma: Useful in pains in the joints. A well-tested remedy for calcium deficiency.
Dosage: Pravalapanchamrutabhasma 10g, powder of rasna 1g blended with rasnadi panchaka kashaya and made into 25 tabs. Use one tablet in the morning, one in the evening with buttermilk.

Normal Joints Pains

Kanchanar Guggul: Acts on Thyroid, Kushta, Fistula in ano & filariasis.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day.

Mahayogarajaguggul: Very useful for rheumatism. Removes swelling and pains in the joints.
Dosage: One pill twice (or) thrice a day with decoction of rasna, sounth and guduchi (or) as directed by the physician.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.