Divyasinduram is useful to Purify blood effected by venereal, It is a Safe medicine that cures all skin diseases caused by blood impurities .
Khadirarishta is useful to cure early affections of leprosy and skin diseases,Removes colored spots and patches and itches,Smoothens the skin,blood purifier
Madhusnuhirasayana is useful to cure all skin diseases,leprosy,cracks and watery discharges,white and black spots and patches on the skin,corrects 7 dhatus.
Ayurvedic medicine that helps to cure leprosy of several kinds, bone marrow and guinea worm, fistula, abscesses around the throat and typical skin diseases
Saribadyasava is useful to cure skin diseases especially of venereal poison and carbuncles,Purifies the blood, Removes mercurial effects in the system.
Ayurvedic medicine useful for leprosy,elephant skin, black and white spots/patches on the skin,excessive itching sensation,cracks in the hands and feet,ringworm.
Sarivadhya Leha medicine useful for skin diseases especially born of Venereal poisons in the system,highly recommended for blood purification and malnutrition.
Suryapaka Kaseesadyaghruta medicine useful to cure leprosy and Syphilitic Ulcers,patches,boils,patches and boils,Fistula-in-ano,ringworm and other diseases.
Vyadhiharanarasa is Ayurvedic medicine for used for Syphilis and Diseases caused due to Venereal,Acts as good Blood Purifier 100% safe and Natural remedy
Hemasundararasa is Useful for chronic gannorrohea, spermatorrohea, prameham, Lucorrohea, distaste, numbness, tongue and throat infections etc.
Psoriasis - Skin Diseases 1 month pack for DIABETIC patients and the pack amounts to Rs: 15,849.00/- Only.
Mahamehantakarasa is an ayurvedic medicine cures all urinary disorders,burning sensation over the body,Controls excess urination,prameha and Spermotorrhea.
Ayurvedc medicine used by both men and women of all age groups,A great nervine tonic that enriches memory,Sexual potency,Strengthens Heart,lungs and nerves.