Anandabhiravi helps to cure fever, pains over the body and indigestion etc.
Medicine useful for acute and chronic digestive troubles,Dilatation of the stomach,colic pains, enlargement of spleen,fevers due to digestive disorders.
Kravyadarasa effective medicine that cures sula pains, flatulence,indigestion,loss of appetite,diarrhea caused by indigestion.100% Natural with No side effects.
Agnikumararasa is useful to cure indigestion, sula pains, fever, vomiting, diarrhoea caused by indigestion , Prevents even mild cases of cholera.
Agnitundivati is an ayurvedic medicine useful in neuralgic pains, muscular, soreness, dysentery colic and indigestion. Works wonderfully on indefinite pains.
Mahasankhavati is useful in various phases of acidity,indigestion,cures peptic ulcer,dyspepsia, pain in the gastrointestinal tract and controls parinama sula.
Kasisa Bhasma an ayurvedic medicine to cure indigestion, sula pains, diarrhea, anemia, pains in the lower abdomen, amenorrhoea and consequent pain.Improves blood.
Mahakhandadraka Lehya is useful for pregnant women,Cures indigestion,vomiting, flatulance ,giddiness ,sourbile, burning in the chest,and symptoms to paithya
L-MITRA Improves appetite, Works on liver disorders, Thyroid, Parkinson, Cleanses the bowel,Eradicates worms in intestines, equivalent of a multivitamin.
Indigestion 1 month pack for NOn-DIABETIC patients and the amount is Rs: 8070.00/-.
Indigestion 1 month pack for DIABETIC patients and the amount is Rs: 7020.00/-.
Ayurvedic medicine used in types of Sula,enlargement of liver and spleen,abdominal tumors,tested remedy for healthy heart,hypothyroidism and calcium deficiency.
Ayurvedic medicine VANDIGE is Useful to improve appetite,Regulates bowel conditions,Proven remedy for Indigestion and Protects from liver disorders