Rasarajarasa is useful remedy for hysteria,such as paralysis, tremor and various types of convulsions. 100% safe and Natural remedy with Zero side effects.
Ayurvedic medicine useful to cure fever due to bile, burning in the chest,watering in mouth,jaundice,souribile and vomiting.Works on urinary tract disorders.
Suryavarthi medicine used to neutralize liver dysfunction,speedy recovery of liver damage,remedy for disorders of bilious nature,headache fever due to bile.
Epilepsy 1 month pack for NON-DIABETIC Patients and the amount is Rs: 11830.00/-.
Epilepsy 1 month pack for DIABETIC Patients and the amount is Rs: 11,110.00/-
A great Ayurvedic Nervine medicine Yogendrarasa strengthens nerves,heart and brain,enriches blood and semen,improves steadiness of mind Enriches blood,Semen
Ayurvedic medicine useful to improve mental activity and reduces brain disorders,it gives peace to the mind.It Can be used by men, women and children also.
Aswagandharishta is Useful in epilepsy ,nervous debility and mental derangement,nervine Tonic ,it can also be used as an aphrodisiac.