• 8 Product(s) Found
Swarnakantavallabharasa (5g)
₹ 400.00

Ayurvedic medicine used to cure anemia,cough,hard breathing, jaundice, distaste,blood-lessness,weakness, chronic fever and gives strength and enriches blood.

Kantavallabharasa (5g)
₹ 205.00

Kantavallabharasa is Ayurvedic medicine useful for anemia, jaundice, chronic fevers and odemageneralised,A good appetizer, corrects disorders of liver and spleen.

Mandura Bhasma (10g)
₹ 145.00

Ayurvedic medicine used for anaemia, jaundice, dropsy,chronic fever, heaviness and pain in the chest, flatulence and periodical sula pains in the abdomen .

Ayaskanta Bhasma (Kantaloha Bhasma)
₹ 150.00

Ayaskantha Bhasma helps to increases blood,nervous potency,Useful in dropsy,numbness,jaundice, indigestion ,Strengthens the heart and respiratory organs.

Khadgaloha Bhasma (Loha Bhasma) (10g)
₹ 145.00

Khadgaloha Bhasma is useful in anemia, jaundice,sula pains, indigestion, loss of appetite, abdominal tumors, numbness of hands and feet, Enriches blood.

₹ 115.00

Ayurvedic medicine Lohasava is Useful to Cure anemia, jaundice,dropsy,asthma,cough,enlargement of spleen and liver. 100% safe and Natural remedy by VAN ltd.

Pravala Panchamruta Ras
₹ 735.00

Ayurvedic medicine used in types of Sula,enlargement of liver and spleen,abdominal tumors,tested remedy for healthy heart,hypothyroidism and calcium deficiency.

Sodhariloha (10g)
₹ 145.00

Sodhariloha is very useful in dropsy, swellings, nausea, palpitations,retention of urine,Promotes good appetite and increases the hemoglobin content in blood.