Ayurvedic Medicine useful for all cases of cough and in the advanced stages of T.B.Also used for pregnant ladies in all cases of cough and fevers.100% safe.
Sindurabhushanam is Useful to pregnant women, in nausea and vomiting, feeling of heat in the body and uneasiness and other symptoms generally appear.
Ayurvedic Medicine for pregnant women for vomiting sensation,nausea,Removes burning sensation in the abdomen,Cures Biliousness in the system,Improves Digestion.
Draksharishta is useful to give strength to diseased and weakened heart,Improves the muscular system.Used freely by pregnancy women and Children.
Diseases of Pregnancy-1 month pack for NON-DIABETIC patients and the products amounts to Rs: 4715.00/-.
Diseases of Pregnancy-1 month pack for DIABETIC patients and the products amounts to Rs: 3020.00/-.