Mahasankhavati is useful in various phases of acidity,indigestion,cures peptic ulcer,dyspepsia, pain in the gastrointestinal tract and controls parinama sula.
Ajamodarka is an effective medicine which is Very useful to Cure flatulence sula and indigestion, Helps to improve appetite.
Ayurvedic medicine used in types of Sula,enlargement of liver and spleen,abdominal tumors,tested remedy for healthy heart,hypothyroidism and calcium deficiency.
BHASKARALAVANACHURNA is an Ayurvedic medicine Useful in indigestion, nausea, vomitting, sula gastric pain, flatulency in the Abdomen,chronic indigestion.
Soolakutharam is useful in gastric pains,peptic ulcers,acidity,Cures soola and Parinamasula in the abdomen which occur after meals.100% safe and Natural remedy.
Ayurvedic medicine VANDIGE is Useful to improve appetite,Regulates bowel conditions,Proven remedy for Indigestion and Protects from liver disorders