Ayurvedic medicine very effective in paralysis, chronic swelling,joints pains,back pain,Controls all nervous disorders,help all vata ailments and rheumatism.
Vatarakshasam ayurvedic remedy used in fevers of vata, removes all pains in the body. Useful for suthika vata and titanus100% safe and No side effects
Ekangaveerarasa is useful in paralysis attacks on account of nervous debility,cures twisting of mouth,tetanus, cures pains in joints.
Ayurvedic medicine very useful in puerperal,sannipata fevers and puerperal diseases,It not only cures but also prevents all sorts of diseases after delivery.
Pratapalankeswaram is an effective ayurvedic medicine useful for simple, puerperal and sannipatha fevers and disorders of all sorts of nervous pains of the body.
VAN Ltd providing Narayana Taila an effective medicine for nervous disorders especially in paralysis, wryneck, pains in cheeks, waist, joints serving since 1925.
Vayudhatu(Vataroga)- 1 month pack for NON-DIABETIC Patients and the pack amounts to Rs:9370.00/- Only.
Vayudhatu(Vataroga)- 1 month pack for DIABETIC Patients and the pack amounts to Rs:9105.00/- Only.
Dasamoolarishta an Ayurvedic effective medicine useful in sterility,cures, fever, dropsy, cough, anemia, jaundice and prameha release urine freely.