Mouktika Bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine very useful in diabetes,stranguary and detention of urine, urinary calculi,Carbuncle,cough and general debility.
ayurvedic medicine useful in asthma, cough, phthisis, burning of hands and feet,Mouth ulcers and spitting of blood,No side effects 100% safe
Hemamrutarasa is an effective ayurvedic medicine for variety of heart diseases, asthma, palpitation, cardiac arrhythmia (rhythm changes of the heart).
Bronfree is used for treating bronchial disorders in both adults and children including allergic bronchitis and hypertension in lungs. without any side effects
Vasarishta a trusted remedy for bronchial disorders,sinusitis, coughs produced in heart affections,dropsy and blood bile. 100% safe and Natural.
Ayurvedic medicine Lohasava is Useful to Cure anemia, jaundice,dropsy,asthma,cough,enlargement of spleen and liver. 100% safe and Natural remedy by VAN ltd.
Ayurvedic medicine for discharge of semen, Enlargement of spleen,liver and several other complaints present in T.B. and gives new life,vigor and vitality.
Mahalakshmivilasarasa is Highly recommended medicine for Bronchitis,Asthma,Hard breathing ,cough,hard breathing,heaviness of Heart,ailments of sleshma/phlegm