Shilajit (Suddha) (10g)

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Ayurveda Medicines for Vitality

What is Vitality?

Vitality is a state of being fully alive with a complete state of energy and life. It is the capacity to survive and the very essential for the well-being of an individual. It is a term that is used to describe a person`s ability to grow, live, and develop. Any illness or treatment for it can reduce the vitality of an individual. It is strongly linked to the overall health of the body and mind. Research shows that almost all factors that have a negative impact on physical health and mood have a detrimental effect on vitality. Tobacco, poor nutrition, lack of activity, and a stressful environment are all negatively associated with vitality.

How can Ayurveda cure Vitality?

Ayurveda is a psychological philosophy based on health and healing, and it clearly states that for you to feel healthy and good, you should be influenced by positive energy. There are many herbs and supplements suggested by Ayurveda for the treatment of Vitality. The first one is Ratnapurushalehya, which is for increasing an individual`s vigor and vitality. It is known to boost strength, endurance, and stamina. Also it promotes spermatogenesis, enhances semen volume, and corrects nervous weakness. Aswagandhadilehya has generally been used for the treatment of neuromuscular conditions. It also increases male sexual stamina but has also been used by medieval clinicians to facilitate strength and overall stamina. The herb also helps with physical and mental stress in old age people.

Recommended Combination by VAN for Vitality patients (100% No Side Effects)

Age Group 20-30

Poornachandrodaya: A very good tonic. Prevents spermatorrhea, nervousness, weakness, heart weakness, and palpitation.
Dosage: One tablet per day after breakfast.

Kamachudamanirasa: An aphrodisiac. Increases semen, gives strength and potency for conjugal harmony.
Dosage: One tablet a day in the evening.

Ratnapurushalehya: Very useful in seminal weakness and seminal decay. It gives muscular strength and nervous potency.
Dosage: 1.5 teaspoons twice daily after the above medications.

Age Group 30-40

Siddhamakaradhwaja: A great nervine tonic. Enriches sexual potency, and imparts vigour to the total body.
Dosage: One tablet twice daily at your convenience.

Aswagandhadilehya: Removes seminal debility. Restores vigour and energy in old age and rejuvenates the entire vital system.
Dosage: 1.5 teaspoons twice daily.

Age Group 40-60

Vasantakusumakara: It controls all urinary troubles and loss of albumen.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day at your convenience.

Age Group Above 60

Siddhamakaradhwaja: A great nervine tonic. Enriches sexual potency, and imparts vigour to the total body.
Dosage: One tablet a day at your convenience.

Vasantakusumakara: Useful for vitality in men of age above 60.
Dosage: One tablet a day at your convenience.

For better results use this ayurvedic medication for a minimum period of 3 months.

Indication: Helps to increase the strength of the body.

Unit of Packing: 10 g

Advisable to use only under medical supervision.

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