Kaseesadyaghruta (200ml)

₹ 370.00
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Ayurveda Medicines for Psoriasis

What is Psoriasis?

It is a skin disease that causes the cells of the skin to multiply ten times faster when compared to the normal skin. This makes the skin to form bumpy red patches that are covered with white scales. Psoriasis can occur anywhere, but it mostly appears on the elbows, knees, scalp, and lower back. It is not an infectious disease but can happen to the same family. It is an autoimmune disease that triggers inflammation of the skin cells and causes changes in the blood vessels and results in the elevated plaque of psoriasis.

How do Ayurveda Cure Psoriasis?

Ayurveda doctors believe that if doshas are not in balance, then one can feel stressed or become sick. The causative factors of the disease lead to the destruction of Tridosha and especially Vata and Kapha. These doshas then, with the help of Tiryakvahini siras, move into Bahya rogamarga, which causes the symptoms of the disease. The Ayurveda focuses on keeping the doshas in balance for good health. The main Ayurvedic treatment used to treat psoriasis is Divyasinduram. It will treat the patches, inflammation, itchiness, and all other skin diseases. It is meant to purify the blood and detox the body. The doctors recommend a vegetarian diet for the patients.

Divyasinduram: Purifies blood effected by venereals. Removes patches, inflamation, itches, and all skin diseases, caused by blood impurities. Safe medicine.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. To be used twice daily either with Saribadyasava or with Khadirarista for speedy recovery.

Hemasundararasa (swarnavangam): Useful for vomiting, distaste, numbness, tongue and throat affections etc.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. To be used twice daily with Madeephalarasayana for distaste and vomiting.

Khadirarishta: Cures early affections of leprosy and skin diseases,Removes coloured spots and patches and itches, Smoothens the skin, A renowned blood purifier.
Dosage: To be taken with equal quantity of water in 10ml dosage after meals.

Madhusnuhirasayana: Effectively cures all skin diseases, leprosy, cracks and watery discharges, white and black spots and patches on the skin.
Dosage: 1.5 teaspoon once daily after Kantaderm.

Mahamehantakarasa (2g): Bravely tackles all the trouble some ailments of prameha, insipidus and Spermotorrhea, Controls excess urination, Cures all urinary disorders and burning sensation over the body and Suits all delicate constitutions.
Dosage: 1g = 4 doses. To be used twice daily with Chandanasava (or) with the juice of Gokshura (root) for urinary troubles.

Panchatikthaghruta Guggul: Cures all typical skin diseases.
Dosage: 4 spoons of ghee with ¼ liter of milk, twice daily after food.

Saribadyasavam: Cures skin diseases especially of venerial poison and carbuncles.
Dosage: Twice daily -­ 4 spoons of syrup diluted with equal amount of water to be taken after food.

Sarivadhya Leha: An efficient blood purifier, Very useful in skin diseases, especially born of Venerial poisons in the systems, Increases blood, Highly recommended for blood purification, Cures bile. Efficacious Medicine for malnutrition and promotes health.
Dosage: 6g to 12g. To be used twice daily.

Somariji Taila: Very useful in 18 varieties of leprosy, elephant skin, black and white spots and patches on the skin.
Dosage: To be applied externally to the parts effected.

Siddhamakaradhwaja: A great nervine tonic. Strengthens heart, lungs and nerves.
Dosage: 1g = 10 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Suryapaka Kaseesadyaghruta (100ml): This is a powerful and most effective external application, Cures leprotic Ulcers, patches, boils and cracks in the hands and other parts of the body with watery secretions, Syphilitic ulcers, patches and boils, Cures cranian, Fistula-in-ano, ringworm and other diseases.
Dosage: It is to be applied externally and rubbed gently over the area effected.
Caution: Should not touch mouth and eyes. To be used only under medical supervision.

Vyadhiharanarasa: Specially useful for syphilis. Purifies blood. Removes patches on skin etc., due to venereals.
DOSAGE : 1g = 4 doses. One dose twice daily. To be used with Madhusnuhirasayana and Saribadyasava (or) Khadirarishta for men and with Asokarista for women.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in the diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.


  • This medication serves as a highly effective topical remedy for treating leprotic ulcers, patches, boils, and fissures found on different parts of the body, particularly the hands, often accompanied by exudations.

  • It also facilitates the healing process of syphilitic ulcers, patches, boils and ringworm.

  • It is to be applied externally and rubbed gently over the affected area.

Dosage: It is to be applied externally and rubbed gently over the area affected.
Unit of packing: 200 ml.
Caution: Should not touch mouth and eyes. To be used only under medical supervision.

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