Rajatachandrodaya Tablets

₹ 490.00
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    100% Natural
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Traditional Ayurvedic Products

It can be an easy assumption the power to take a breath is easy and instinctive. Breathing should make up an inherent act; however, it can be challenging for some individuals. Respiratory distress can range from moderate conditions in which a person on occasion experiences minor breathing problems, to more compelling levels of breathing distress. Due to the widespread dissemination of this type of information in reference to antibiotics, natural alternatives are increasingly sought by growing numbers. Natural supplements have grown in popularity for this reason. The present, conventional treatment of bronchitis is with antibiotics.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.

Heat or not to heat

Pitta is the principle of body heat that governs the digestive fire (enzymes), metabolism, sensory perceptions, and the mind and body. When in balance it allows normal digestion & metabolism to work and when aggravated it throws normal metabolism and chemical balance out of gear. Internal disequilibrium and an unfavorable environment add to its aggravation.

Overheat or pitta imbalance fuels impurities that affect the body in many ways. Indigestion, heartburn, nausea, peptic ulcers, etc., and on an emotional level; mood swings, rage, frustration, etc., are some characteristic malefic effects.

It’s a proven fact that thoughts, emotions, and feelings also influence health as much as the quality of food one ingests. In treating bodily overheat or pitta dosha, Ayurveda advocates a dynamic integration of body, mind, spirit, and environment through herbal therapy and a disciplined lifestyle.

The stellar remedy

Affirming the traditions of Ayurveda, VAN Ltd. offers gentle remedies of its stellar formulations for eliminating impurities and correcting imbalances and not just the symptoms alone. The gamut of treatment of excess body heat meets its match in Rajatachandrodaya, a VAN Ltd.’s formula of the highest order endowed with therapeutic properties to regulate; precipitating a soothing process of well-being; marked with vigour and vitality.

Rajatachandrodaya also imbues significant properties to treat male sexual impairments like spermatorrhea and decreased potency. From an Ayurvedic perspective, the seat of all male sexual energy is the male reproductive tissue (shukra dhatu) ingrained with the potential to procreate backed by complete nourishment and pitta balance. Rajatachandrodaya corrects impaired nourishment, balances aggravated pitta, cools the body, corrects nutritional imbalances, and nourishes shukra. In the long run, Rajatachandrodaya is also instrumental in eliminating fatigue and strengthening the body.

Potion in action

Nature is rhythm symbolized, which affects our state of mind as well as our body. The doshas are also affected as contemporary life often breaks these rhythms to the detriment of our health. Rajatachandrodaya incorporates key ingredients viz., 1. Rajatabhasma, 2. Suddha Parada & 3. Suddha Gandhaka in a beneficent potion that rejuvenates health.


  • Rajatabhasma

  • Suddha Parada

  • Suddha Gandhaka


  • Helps to Improve blood and vitality

  • Helps to cure palpitation.

  • Helps to remove anxiety.

Unit of packing: 30 Tablets

  • Two tablets at a time twice daily.

  • To be used twice daily with draksharista (or) with the juice of dry grapes.

  • Can be used with madeephalarasayana for palpitation and anxiety.

User Ratings/Reviews

Venu KJ


its a good product

Vijay Ratnam


good product. 5 stars

Muralidharan NAGARAJAN


medicines are good, active ga unnanu

L V R Sastry


medicine is good

Jvv Subrahmanyam


vk4 diakon its very very good/ i would like to gave 5 star rating.

Padmaja Padmaja


its very good, i would like to give 5 star rating

BC Kesava Rao


After using Vk4 diacon my diabetic levels are under control. Its a good product for diabetes patients.

Prem Kumar


now my health condition alright . very effective medicines.

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