Aswagandha Churna (100g)

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    100% Natural
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Ayurveda Medicines for Seminal Weakness

The main symptom of seminal weakness is a nocturnal emission involves either ejaculation during sleep for a male, or lubrication of the vagina for a female. It is also called a wet dream, and is sometimes considered a type of spontaneous orgasm.

Ratnapurushalehya: Very useful in seminal weakness and seminal decay. It gives muscular strength and nervous potency.
Dosage: To be used twicedaily followed by a cup of milk added with sugar.

Aswagandhadi Lehya: Helps to cure sterility and involuntary seminal discharge. Removes seminal debility.
Dosage: 6 to 12g twice daily. Take the dose of lehya morning and evening followed by a cup of milk added with sugar candy.

Poornachandrodaya: Prevents spermatorrhea, nervousness, weakness, heart weakness and palpitation.
Dosage: 1g = 5 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Siddhamakaradhwaja: A great nervine tonic. Enriches memory, sexual potency, imparts vigour to total body.
Dosage: 1g = 10 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Astalohapoornachandrodaya: Controls spermatorrhea, early ejaculation. Improves vigour. Removes weakness.
Dosage: One tablet twice daily. Twice daily with a cup of milk added with sugar candy.

Madanakameswara Lehya: Cures thinness of the semen and gives natural thickness. Stops speedy emissions, wetdreams and discharges of semen with urine.
Dosage: 12g. To be taken twice daily followed by a cup of milk added with enough sugar candy.

Sidhamakaradhwaja Tablets: A great nervine tonic, enriches memory, Sexual potency, imparts vigour to total body.
Dosage: One tablet twice daily at your convenience.

Panchabanarasa Tablets: Cures spermatorrohea, impotency and wasting diseases.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day in the evening and at bedtime.

Panchabanarasa: Cures spermatorrohea, impotency and wasting diseases. Using Aswagandhaadilehya along with this medicine eradicates seminal discharges.
Dosage: 1 g = 5 doses. One dose twice daily with milk and sugar candy.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.

Indication :

  • Helps to decrease stress and gives strength

    Ingredients: Aswagandhachurna

Dosage form: Powder

Usage: 5g to 10g twice a day.

Unit of Packing:100 g

User Ratings/Reviews

Devarakonda Hemalatha


I used aswagandhi lehyam for 6 months, i got problem cure, its very good



baagundi chala baagundi

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