Chyavanaprasa Lehya

₹ 550.00
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    100% Natural
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Ayurveda Medicines for Bronchitis

It can be an easy assumption the power to take a breath is easy and instinctive. Breathing should make up an inherent act; however, it can be challenging for some individuals. Respiratory distress can range from moderate conditions in which a person on occasion experiences minor breathing problems, to more compelling levels of breathing distress. Due to the widespread dissemination of this type of information in reference to antibiotics, natural alternatives are increasingly sought by growing numbers. Natural supplements have grown in popularity for this reason. The present, conventional treatment of bronchitis is with antibiotics.

BRONFree: Acts on bronchial disorders.
Dosage: One tablet twice a day with water.

Chyavanaprasalehya: Enriches body resistance to common cold and fever, and vitalizes the entire system.
Dosage: For Children 3g to 6g. For adults 6g to 12g. It is to be chewed and swallowed both morning and evening followed by a cup of milk.

Draksharishta (only for non-diabetics): Helps to clean bowels.
Dosage: Twice daily -­- 4 spoons of syrup diluted with an equal amount of water to be taken after food.

Mahakanakasindurarasa: Diamond-like remedy for treatment of Chronic consumption (T.B.) with severe side ailments anaemia, jaundice, chronic fever swasa and kasa etc.
Dosage: 1g = 10 doses. To be taken twice daily with honey (or) as directed by the physician.

Mouktika Bhasma: Very useful in diabetes, stranguary and detention of urine, urinery calculi, carbuncle, cough, and general debility. This can be used alongwith betel leaves in pansupari in the place of churna.
Dosage: 1g = 10 doses

Vasarishta ( only for non-diabetics ): A trusted remedy for bronchial disorders, synacities, and coughs produced in Heart effections, dropsy, and blood bile.
Dosage: Twice daily after food - 4 spoons of syrup diluted with an equal amount of water to be taken after food.


According to the constitution of the body, diet follow-up is essential for health and longevity. Every patient should observe precautions in the diet at the time of usage of the medicine to avoid aggravation and to obtain speedy results.

Click to download diet instructions (English and Telugu)

Instruction to patients/visitors:

If you are suffering from moderate and chronic ailments requesting you send us the patient's recent complete blood picture (CBP with Lipid profile) for an accurate prescription.

Chyavanaprasa Lehya

The Inhibitors of Good Health

Everything in Life begins with good health. The signs of vitality entail the body’s ability to repel repeated invasions on its immune system. While the human body is naturally engineered to withstand repercussions on a reasonably successful level, it still needs vital nutrients to keep fighting when environmental excesses that besiege the body.

By and large the most common form of environmental pollution considered to be the most detrimental to human health is air pollution. While the WHO’s global guidelines on ambient air quality spell out the threshold and limits of key pollutants, precious little has been achieved on this front by individual nations including our country notwithstanding anti-pollution laws in vogue.

Air pollution has a deleterious effect on physical health. Imperiling the resilience of the body it has shown its ruining effects on pulmonary health over a substantial period of exposure. Breathing polluted air laden with vehicular emission, smoke from factories and industries, burnt waste and the ubiquitous cigarette smoke assail the pulmonary system with particulate matter and gases like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, ammonia laced with lead, arsenic, nickel, and the like toxically impairing effective functions as is evident in cases of lung cancer, asthma, allergies, and various bronchial disorders. Besides, the injurious effects also spiral to general health in bouts of nausea, headaches, allergies, etc.

Breathtaking Protector of Lungs

When an individual is exposed to air pollution on a long term basis, the soluble nature of particles of chemical origin is liable to raise the toxin levels in the body appreciably and particulate matter present in the ambient air increases the frequency of a cough and phlegm. The susceptibility of ills like bronchitis, asthma, emphysema, TB etc. increases if the particles constitute of bacterial, fungal spores or viral strains.

It is the VAN Ltd’s Chyavanaprasa Lehya that comes to play a vital role in expelling the accumulated phlegm from the lungs and the rest of the body as well, providing essential nutrients required and combating the disorders. Administered meticulously VAN Ltd’s Chyavanaprasa Lehya restores pulmonary health and general immunity resonating.

The Indomitable fighter

VAN Ltd.’s Chyavanaprasa Lehya comprising the active natural base Amla strikes at the very root of disease with its unique blend of ingredients that combat free radicals indomitably and incessantly.

Free radicals are singlet oxygen molecules in the body capable of a chain reaction and damage when they react with; say the DNA leading to perhaps cell injury or death. To avert damages from free radicals the body commissions its defense system of antioxidants which are other molecules that can safely terminate the chain reaction before vital molecules are damaged. Although there are several enzymes within the body that scavenge free radicals, the principle micronutrient (vitamin) antioxidants are vitamin E, beta-carotene, and vitamin C. Since the body cannot manufacture these micronutrients, they need to be supplemented in the diet. VAN Ltd’s Chyavanaprasa Lehya, the pure herbal health blend prepared in a base of fresh Amla fruit (Indian Gooseberry) and 45 high-quality herbal ingredients supplies the body with essential micronutrients to function efficiently with vigor and vitality.

The Masterpiece from the Masters

VAN Chyavanaprasa Lehya is a veritable powerhouse recipe having the power to create the superior Rasa to set the right tone for a balance in all aspects of the body. It’s a great vitalizer too. A regular consumption of it by young and old alike evidently brings about marked changes in general health; physical abilities; mental alacrity and work performance; rejuvenating nerves, invigorating respiratory systems, relieving stress and strain, building up immunity, enhancing physical strength and endurance, its uses are manifold; undoubtedly the best ‘Rasayana’ ever known to man.

Key ingredients are Amla, Ashwagandha, Asparagus, Pippali, Cinnamon, Honey, Ghee (Clarified Butter), Sesame Oil, and Sharkara (Specially treated sugar imbued with healthy properties)

VAN Chyavanaprasa Lehya - An elixir of Life.


  • Amla (Fruit) (Fresh)

  • Bilva (Fruit)

  • Agnimantha (Root)

  • Patla (St.Bark)

  • Peddagummudu (Rhizome)

  • Syonaka (Bark)

  • Saliparni (Herb)

  • Prusniparni (Herb)

  • Kantakari (Herb)

  • Bruhati (Wh.part)

  • Gokshura (Fruit)

  • Bala (Root)

  • Mudgaparni (Herb)

  • Mashaparni (Herb)

  • Pippali (Fr.spike)

  • Sringi (Galls)

  • Bhu Amla(Herb)

  • Draksha (Fruit)

  • Jeevanti (Herb)

  • Kustha (Root)

  • Agar (Bark)

  • Abhaya (Fruit)

  • Guduchi (Stem)

  • Vidari (Rhizome)

  • Kachur (Rhizome)

  • Musta (Tuber)

  • Punarnava (Herb)

  • Ashwagandha (Root)

  • Ela (Seed)

  • Vasamula (Root)

  • Satavari(Tub.root)

  • Kakanasa (Root)

  • Nagakesara (Fl.bud)

  • Tejpatra(Leaf)

  • Dalchina (Bark)

  • Ghruta

  • Gingelly oil

  • Sugar

  • Honey


  • Our Chyawanprash lehya comprises of nearly 40 herbal ingredients, making it a comprehensive herbal tonic.

  • Regarded as an Ayurvedic Rasayana, it aids in enhancing immunity and physical vigor.

  • It helps to detoxify the body, reduces cholesterol levels for an improved healthy heart, and possesses antioxidant properties that delay the aging process while promoting vigor and vitality.

  • It also enhances brain functions, including memory, acts as a tonic for the brain, improves skin complexion, and combats skin infections due to its antioxidant and antimicrobial properties.

Dosage form: Semi Solid
Unit of packing: 300g, 500g
Usage :

  • For children 3g to 6g.

  • For adults 6g to 12g.


Other Names of the Product: Chyavanaprasa Lehya, Chyavanaprasha Lehyam, Chyavanaprasha Lehya, Chyawanprash Lehya, Chyawanprash, Chyawanprash Lehyam

Ayurvedic Medicine (AFI Part1)

A thorough analysis was done by the School of Chemistry, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam.

User Ratings/Reviews

racherla syamsunder



prasad ab


i believe that chyavanaprasha improves immunity power in our human body ..........and works as a general rejuvenation also.............chintaluru chyanaprasha is the best general tonic for the people of all ages..........



good product



Thank so much for sending me the medicine, received the courier and Happy with your Kind Service! Looking forward to order few more Medicines from you!



very good product



All stars to your products, feeling comfortable very good and will order again.

vamsimanoj veerubhotla


Bought it for my father. He feels good using it.

Maheedhar Sankaramanchi


nice product its very good i am continuing.

satish kumar nagala


am using your products since 2013. Good products

Sai Charan Ch


its good, better then other products

Divya SRK


Am a professional by Doctor and used these products. They are better than other branded ayurvedic companies.



Medicine was good, I am satisfied

lenin tummuru


These products are very good

Phani Kumar Sivaraju


product is so good I would like to gave 4 star rating.

L V R Sastry


medicine is good

Jayanta Biswas


Its good

Padmaja Padmaja


its very good, i would like to give 5 star rating

manoharan umashankar


products are quite good but some r so expensive. i would like to gave 4 star rating.

Duthaluri Ramarao


its good product and it works.

Siva subramanian v


product is good


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